Friday, January 17, 2014

As Promised!

17 de enero 2014. 

My house!!  It's Christmas colors!!

As you walk in, my kitchen/work area which is still a disaster.

My room! Have I mentioned how much I hate curtains over the walls? But... That's a thing here lol

Directly behind my house. The green door on the right is mine. The house on the left is the son of my Doña's. The blue door is where my Doña and two of her grandchildren sleep. And across from that is the kitchen house.

House on the right is the same kitchen house but from the back. The house in the middle is where the fogón is.

Then behind there is this! Beautiful yard with cocoa trees, coffee trees, orange trees, coconut trees, and I think more haha. The left guy is my latrine (nice, right??). And on the right with the yellow curtain (might be hard to tell) is the shower one. Which I haven't used since the first night with my peeping Doña. It really is just easier to do it in my house with a shallow bucket below me.

And the damn rooster hut directly behind my house lol. 

Buenas noches!

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