Well. That turned into Máximo (son of my Doña and handy man) saying he'd fix my door (put locks on it) around 2 and that I should just rest for a little. Which gave me the go ahead to lay down...a little. Which turned into me passing out into a broken nap until almost 3. Oops? I hardly slept last night due to the fighting dogs and roosters (not sure how many but there's a hut full of them directly behind my house) starting their call around 1am haha so while I felt bad, I needed it.
When I arose, Francheska brought me to her mom's house, who is Nena, the daughter of my Doña who cooks for me. I learned that all the little ones around my house (6 total-though should have been 8...) were all hers. And sleep in separate houses; some with her, some with my Doña, and some in another house. I played Casino with Francheska, Luisa, Gabriela, and a few others who's names I haven't gotten down yet haha. Nena fed me and then we headed back so I could change and we could play baseball! Apparently they have a women's and men's team here too! I played horribly and despite the kids being super competitive, it was a lot of fun :D. Afterwards, I went behind my house and hung out with my Doña while she juiced oranges to make some sort of vinaigrette. We chatted, some of her grandsons joined, and I spent the rest of the night with the entire family in the back area (which is beautiful by the way), drinking coffee, freezing a little (I put a sweater on!), watching the little ones dance, and cheering when the luz came around 8pm. Perfection. And I already feel somewhat close to them. I'm so in love and feel much better today :).
To end the night, I learned that there's hardly any water left. So a 3/4 full milk jug heated up became my shower in my house. I used a big(ish), shallow bucket to stand in and my bucket shower upgraded to a cup shower. Woo! That's when you learn to accept only washing the necessary body bits ;) but hey. It was a quick shower, that's for sure! Haha on that note, off to bed I go!
Buenas noches.
(Ah! And I'm hoping to get on taking pictures for y'all tomorrow!)
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