Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ha! I AM Dominican!

April 20, 2013. I think one of the best ways to wake up here is with my Doña softly calling my name and asking how I felt. Then once I finally got my ass out of bed, she had coffee waiting for me and told me that I'm like a real Dominican because I wrote my note to her last night perfectly! Hahaha "Yo me acosté. ¡Buenas Noches y hasta mañana!" I heard her come in last night and chuckle as she read it out loud. That made me happy :D She has it hanging on the wall next to the dining room table; as if I was a kid again and I got 100% on my test in school so my mom hung it on the fridge to show it off :).
She sang all morning and I loved it... I just chilled in my room writing and reading and having her comforting voice praise the big guy upstairs was heavenly (ha).
But I literally spent all morning playing games, scripting my speech, and studying Spanish. Perfect. I then was able to eat lunch! She kept checking on me to make sure I felt okay :). And cleared my dishes because she didn't want me "to work too hard" when I'm sick. Haha I told her I needed to leave at 2 to work on my project and presentation for Tuesday and then covered my face and yelled "ahhhh!" with nerves cuz she knows it's in Spanish and in font of a bunch if teachers. She laughed and just goes, "No! Because you will close your eyes and say to yourself, 'I am Dominican!' and you will do great!" Haha Why is she so wonderful?? :D
Also, a religious man came by and spoke of some girl that lives somewhere that might be missing? No sé. But of course, my host mom fed him and he sat down and talked to me. In English! Haha but I answered him in Spanish ;). He lived in the states for a while, was born in Haiti, but came back to do missionary work here. He asked if I was Dominican (that's a first!) and then asked why I was here. I told him I was a volunteer with the Peace Corps and he said he had just met Samuel the other day. He went on and on about The Lord and his good works and such which was nice but he wants us volunteers to somehow help him? Not sure what to do there... He gave me his contact info (like name, address, email, and organization) so yea.. :/ One of those moments. I'll talk to Samuel at some point and see what was said to him. Most of this group isn't even religious and it's not like we have money here so yea... Hence the title, "volunteer." Lol
At 2 I headed out and stayed at the wifi house for about 3 1/2 hours. Oops? Haha but my man is at my house for the weekend and I got to FaceTime with them all! What an incredible hour that was. The craziness, their faces, meeting Sam's certain someone (;P), and having a moment with each if them. I love you guys so much. And Nate again, you have no idea what that means to me; driving out to be with my family while I'm gone? Ugh. You're amazing. Enjoy my bed and my room! I miss it.
When I got home my host mom was gone and she didn't leave the house key in our secret spot. Odd. But almost immediately after this realization, Samuel called and asked if I wanted to hang out. Perfect! So I went to his house, we sat on the front porch, chatted, and drank coffee. It was lovely. After an hour or so we headed to my house and my Doña was home. She apologized over and over again because she had forgotten to leave the key haha. Samuel then taught me how to play Casino which I guess is pretty popular here. I love it! The scoring system is strange but I won! I ate dinner afterwards and headed across the dirt road to Keegan and Caitlin's. Ivette, Andrea, and Dallas joined shortly after and we chatted, played BS and Catch Phrase while listening to James Taylor and others like him. How wonderfully perfect. Oh and the weather was mild all day with some rain and I think I heard one thunder clap! Yup, it was totally perfection wrapped up in 15 hours. And now I'll maybe have some good dreams to tie the bow?? *crosses fingers* Buenas noches!

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