Monday, March 25, 2013

Sharing Worlds

Friday, March 22. I swear to god if I end up in a community where roosters are brutally slaughtered... I may be the happiest girl in the world (Again, in case you missed my note over on the right there: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine and do not represent that of The Peace Corps. Thank you.) Ha. I maybe slept an hour last night between the roosters, dogs barking, and donkeys screaming... The entire night. I asked her if she got used to that and she just said when she did wake up last night, she just laughed and thought, "Wow they're loud tonight." So I guess that means, yes? Ugh. I'm investing in a fan even if I'm somewhere colder (which believe it or not, I was cold last night!), just to drown out noise. I don't care if I have to pay with my own money because my settling in allowance isn't enough lol. I'll go insane. :)
Well she made me hot chocolate this morning and we finished my write up for the weekend which was good to get out of the way. She then made me pancakes and eggs! It was so nice to actually have breakfast for breakfast :D. Then, the talk of education! Oh she showed me so many wonderful things from her teaching binder. It's stuff like that that keeps me going. I just need to get past training and to that part when I'm somewhat fluent in Spanish. The way I feel when we simply talk about it, makes me know this is the right thing for me. We talked forever about her project and all the things she's done. Lots of ups and downs for sure and I admire her for her strength and perseverance. And her mother (from the US) has given her so many materials! Her family has visited like 4 times, brought stuff, and sent stuff. She also was able to get a grant for funding too. I wrote down a whole bunch of ideas for things I need to get :). We then walked to the market and got vegetables for our lunch. She made lentils, Gram Irene!! With potatoes, cilantro, carrots, celery, chicken broth, tomatoes, onions, and garlic. It was delicious! We then walked up to her school so I could see what it was like and I took a few pictures. After that, we got our toenails done lol They're gorgeous and I'll definitely post a picture. The lady said I have big feet like her and talked about how small my pinky toenail is haha. Oh don't I already know. They chatted for a while, more silence for me, hooray. I understood most of it but I didn't feel like I had anything to contribute? I don't know.
Nikki then made banana bread so that we can have breakfast on the rode tomorrow. The only truck that leaves is at 7:15am, otherwise you have to take a motoconcho and it's much more expensive. So we're headed to her friend, Laura's, early in the morning! Nikki's fiancé and I then practiced each other's language! Haha she had flash cards and he would say the word in English and I would translate, and then I would say a Spanish word and he would translate. It was awesome haha. And I felt like I interacted more with him and tried to speak more Spanish instead of freezing up and sitting in silence. We would be translating family words, so then I would share some things about my family. It was really nice. (Time out! She has a hammock! God I wish I had brought mine because it's just like the ones I've seen here and it would have saved me $1,200 (pesos, of course) I may have to have my parents send it and take whatever out of my account to cover sending it... That would make me so happy :D) The power went out, he went to work, and we headed down to see her facilitator. Afterwards, we played cards, my tummy was quite unsettled, her fiancée made us sandwiches of an odd, but surprisingly delicious combo of cheese, cabbage, onions, mayo, ketchup, a little jalepeno juice and smushed and fried like a panini (seeing them together and adorable was torture. Love and miss you, baby), and we watched a show called, "Dead Like Me." It was pretty funny and she said she got lots of shows and movies from other volunteers. I wish there was a way for me to do that. But my iPad wont read USBs unless it's my camera I'll live though! Buenas noches.

"A truly simple life is a home filled only with objects that you truly love and are useful to you, friends that nurture and support you, a job that utilizes your unique skills, and time spent pursuing hobbies and travels that you find interesting." ~Unknown

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